Here are some icons for... MacPaint. This is one of the oldest and best paint programs, here are some of the newest and best icons for it - use my icons! If you like them, please send what you feel they're worth to:
Paul Schreiber
483 Featherstone Court
Burlington, Ont
L7L 5K1
AOL: Paul S444
This is WYTIWW (What you think its worth ware).
Send me e-mail with your comments!! Please, Please!!!
If you have any other icons you'd like me to colourize, let me know, and I'll try and do them as soon as I have time. You'll be the first to know and i'll upload them. I'll give you a free copy. Try my icons for the font/da mover, disk first aid (together), America Online, Microphone and SCSI Info. Watch for icons of the faxstatus da, DoveFax+ Manager, PB Manager, & MacWrite.
P.S. Remember to rebuild your desktop file by holding command+option at startup. If it dosen't work the first time don't worry, i had to try it several times because i had a large desktop file.
P.P.S. Rebuilding the desktop will erase your get info comments.